In reference to the third photo with a rock wall and Alan Patera's dog: Page 146 of Nell Murbargers book "Ghosts of the Glory Trail" describe a "Fort on a low knoll about a mile west of town" (Gold Mountain/Stateline). In 1868 and a few years following, the miners had "Indian scares". The wall is described as a double rock wall, average width three to five feet, greatest inside height about six feet and overall length about 225 feet. It was designed as a lookout and as protection.
NV Stateline 1
NV Stateline 4
NV Stateline 6
NV Stateline 5
NV Stateline 2
NV Stateline 11
NV Stateline 9
NV Stateline 7
NV Stateline 10
NV Stateline 3
NV Stateline 8